Writing Skills

Effective writing skills help you communicate clearly and quickly in the workplace and reduce the time required for clarification or questions.
Don't Fear the Semicolon and Other Punctuation Tips

Many people tell us they don’t feel confident when they’re writing because they aren’t entirely sure how to use some punctuation marks. Some elements of punctuation can be confusing because there are…

Email Etiquette Basics

Here are a few quick tips you can incorporate into your daily email correspondence to maintain proper etiquette during the busiest of workdays.

Start with a strong subject line

Most professionals send and receive…

How to Create Better Policies and Procedures

Policies and procedures are important documents that outline the way an organization operates.

If you want people to follow them, they need to be…

An Email Structure that Gets Results

It can sometimes be stressful to stare at the computer screen and not know where to start with an email you need to send.

Some clients share with us that they hesitate when sending emails because they worry they could be judged by a…

Writing for Your Reader

To connect with your readers, it's important to know who they are. You can then write in a way that not only conveys the information they need or want but also connects with them. Before you start, ask…

Editing Skills for Managers

If you want to hone your employees’ writing skills and encourage them to be self sufficient, you need to know how to be a good editor. Let’s take a look at ways you can do this.

Analyzing when to Create Policies and Procedures

When do we need a policy or procedure?

Some of you might respond with “to address an issue.” Certainly, many policies and procedures are written to…

Using Numbers in Writing

Not all writers are numbers people, and not all numbers people are writers. But they’re all readers. That’s why it’s crucial to communicate numbers and data in a way that everyone can understand and…

Creating Great Meeting Minutes

Do you dread being asked to take meeting minutes? Did your last set of minutes take you hours to prepare? Or do you want to volunteer to take minutes and make sure you do a really good job?