Writing Skills

Effective writing skills help you communicate clearly and quickly in the workplace and reduce the time required for clarification or questions.
Use Transition to Make Your Writing More Compelling

Do you think much about using transition in your writing? It’s one of many practices that separate good writing from mediocre writing.

Transition words and phrases link your ideas together smoothly and allow readers to make predictions…

Do You Want to Persuade Your Readers? Remember The Need

Sometimes we need to write persuasive documents, such as proposals or recommendation reports. The main goal of these types of documents is to persuade your readers to take some sort of action.

Features and Benefits

Are Emails Costing Your Organization Money?

For many of us, email is an integral part of our workday, whether we deal with a few emails each day or dozens. Whatever the volume of our email output, we should strive to always write clear, concise and specific email messages.


11 Tips for Proofreading Your Own Work

If you write anything at all, chances are you’ll sometimes have to proofread it yourself. Here are 11 tips to make the job easier.

Get a friend to do a quick once-over
Even if you have to do the detailed proofreading…
Use Bulleted Lists for Visual Appeal

How you format a document is just as important as the words you put on your page. Documents that are visually appealing are compelling and easier to read than poorly formatted ones. One of the things you can do to add visual appeal to your…

Are Poor Spelling and Grammar Really All that Bad?

How much of an impact can poor spelling and grammar have on a reader? Is getting it right really that important?

How Bad Can It Really Be?

I recently decided that I had to get to the bottom of this. I wanted to…

Want to Write Attention-Getting Documents? Focus on Your Reader


We have a tendency to focus on our own perspectives when completing tasks, including writing our business documents. But the best documents (the ones that capture the most attention) focus on the reader’s point of view instead.

Motivating Writers Through Positive And Constructive Feedback

Most organizations don’t have professional editors on staff.  And while many strong writers are also strong editors, editing does represent a unique skill set that not everyone excels at without specific training. When you edit, you want to…

An Email Structure that Gets Results

Do you sometimes pause before you send out an email because you don’t know where to start, or how to start? You will no longer have these concerns if you follow what is known as the MAD email format.

MAD is an acronym for Message…