Writing Skills

Effective writing skills help you communicate clearly and quickly in the workplace and reduce the time required for clarification or questions.
Get Better Results with Specific Language

Effective business documents are concise, explaining key details with specific language.

Too often, people write long-winded paragraphs packed full…

How Much Are Your Workplace Documents Costing You?

When asked to think of saving time and money, most business leaders will consider ways to reduce the cost of staffing, supplies, equipment, facilities and taxes. But what about written communication in…

Is Email the Best Choice? Factors to Consider Before Hitting “Send”
Is Email the Best Choice? Factors to Consider Before Hitting “Send”

Email is one of the most commonly used forms of communication in the business world. However, it's not always the…

Reduce Jargon for Effective Communication

There are two types of jargon: industry jargon and bureaucratic jargon. Industry jargon, such as terms and acronyms specific to your business, can be used if you’re sure your readers will…

Peer Editing Basics

Most organizations don’t have professional editors on staff. And while many strong writers are also strong editors, editing does represent a unique skill set that not everyone excels at…

Getting a "Yes" with Proposals

Have you experienced this situation?

You complete a proposal you think will persuade your readers to accept a course of action you’re…

The Importance of Plain Language

People understand the costs of doing business in terms of equipment, staff, property and taxes. But what about the cost of communication? All activities related to written communications in…

Boost your digital body language

When you connect with others, you’re always sending and receiving nonverbal messages. These wordless messages happen both when communicating in person and digitally. Have you ever wondered what a punctuation mark in an email meant? Have you…

Using a Style Guide to Create Consistency with Your Writing

Do employees in your organization struggle with using consistent abbreviations, spellings and capitalizations? Maybe you write Internet with a capital I but your co-workers spell it internet. Or you like organize…