Create Great Meeting Minutes with this Tip

Cover image
People sitting in a meeting.
Did your last set of minutes take you hours to prepare?
One way to reduce the time it takes for you to prepare your meeting minutes is to use a template. However, the trick is to use a template not only for the meeting minutes that you distribute… but also for the notes that you take.
Try this Minute Taking Template at your next meeting.
How to use it:

Page 1

Note the meeting information (date, location, attendees, etc). Prepare this information before the meeting to give yourself more time to concentrate on the conversation during the meeting.

Page 2

Write the agenda item at the top of the page.

  • Discussion/Decision: Write the key points of the discussion and any group decisions. Use point form.
  • Action: Write any actions required. Be specific - ask yourself, “Who is doing what by when?”
  • My Thoughts: Write down any questions you have. Ask for clarification at the meeting instead of trying to track the information down after it.
Marie Antaya avatar

By Marie Antaya, CTDP

Author of The Eclectic Writing Series.